Welcome to Boosters' Corner
The LPHS choir Boosters is a parent organization which supports how the choir functions financially, socially, and physically. All parents of choir members are automatically in this organization and are encouraged to actively participate in any way they can. Parent support is essential to the success of any choral program, and there are opportunities for even those who have limited time available. The executive board seeks volunteers to help with events, fundraisers, publicity, and more.
Meetings times and location TBA
Please Help Us Grow
The success of the choral program at Lincoln Park depends on the generosity and involvement of parents and the community. Your support allows us to purchase sheet music, hire musicians for performances, hire clinicians to run workshops with the choir, new choir uniforms, take the choirs on field trips, and travel to performances and festivals.
The Lincoln Park Boosters is a non-profit corporation whose mission is to support the choir programs, to advocate for the choirs in the community, and to lead the fundraising efforts on behalf of the choir program.
LPHS Booster Mission
LPHS Booster Club is a parent-run, volunteer based 501c3 organization. We have established the Booster Club to provide a forum for parental and community involvement in and support of the Lincoln Park High School athletic and extracurricular programs, to provide financial support for those programs and to promote school enthusiasm within and outside of the Lincoln Park High School family.
video for even more engagement.
LPHS Choir Boosters Meeting Minutes
5.18.22 Choir Boosters Minutes
I'm always looking for ways to help the LPHS Choir Boosters and/or volunteer my time.