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Meet our Choirs

There are NO requirements to join Beginning Choir and Bass Choirs but there will be a short audition to assess your vocal skill. For Intermediate, Advanced Treble as well as Concert Choir and Chamber Choir—please follow the audition protocol at the beginning and end of the school year. A final decision for placement will be made after auditions takes place. Please see the Membership page for more audition information.  The audition protocol can be found on the Membership page or this link .

** For current students, most important thing is to sign up for any level of choir with your counselor. You will be placed in a correct level after the audition screening and sight singing are done.

Beginning Choir


Beginning Treble Choir is an ensemble for students who have had limited experience with music either in or out of school but are interested in learning about how to sing with more control and create music as a group. Lincoln Park is lucky to have beginning ensembles to accommodate students who didn’t have the opportunity to take music in elementary school. Many of the singers in our advanced ensembles began their high school experience in beginning choirs. The group performs at two concerts throughout the year. The choir is intended for treble voices, namely sopranos and altos.


Bass Choir

As the entry-level male ensemble, Bass Choir is open to ALL young identifying men in grades 9-12 with bass or tenor range, with an unchanged or changed voice. 
At the beginner level students are separated by gender to accommodate the adolescent male changing voice.  Students have the opportunity to 1) develop their singing voice (beyond shower singing!) and expand their range 2) learn breath support with body awareness 3) develop citizenship and ensemble skills  4) singing with musicianship and artistry 5) learn basic music literacy skills. 

​The repertoire studied in Men’s Bass Choir is comprised of unison, canons and 2-3 part songs, rooted in the LPHS choir mission of diverse repertoire.  Students will develop the skills necessary to audition and qualify for vocal groups at a higher level. 

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Intermediate Treble Choir

Intermediate Treble Choir is an ensemble for singers with some experience in choir and/or reading music who want to develop their vocal technique and music literacy. The group performs at three concerts throughout the year. The choir is intended for treble voices, namely sopranos and altos.

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Advanced Treble Choir

Advanced Treble Choir is an ensemble for singers who have more experience in choir and are comfortable in their music reading abilities. In this choir, students strengthen their ensemble skills and work towards further independence. The group performs at four concerts throughout the year. The choir is intended for treble voices, namely sopranos and altos.


Concert Choir

Concert Choir is an ensemble of singers with experience in choir who have strong music-reading skills and a solid vocal technique. In this choir, students have the opportunity to perform challenging repertoire at a high level of execution, including a larger piece of music accompanied by orchestra. The group performs five concerts throughout the year. The choir is intended for all voice types: soprano, alto, tenor, bass. 


Chamber Choir

The Chamber Singers are the premier ensemble and comprised of upperclassmen that exhibit superior music literacy skill, vocal technique, and strong independence.  The ensemble is dedicated to performing high quality unaccompanied repertoire focused on unaccompanied literature ranging from Renaissance to Spirituals to Jazz. The choir has upwards of 30 performances each school year in and around Chicago including at the Joffrey Ballet, Goodman Theater, and Chicago Symphony Hall. The choir has been selected twice to perform at the Illinois Music Educators Association All-State Conference, as well as for the American Choral Directors Association. The singers tour the country every two years and their accomplishments have been recognized on the state and national level, and the choir has been featured on local television as well as NBC’s The Today Show.

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